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About Operating System

Que:- Define the Operating System.
Ans:- An operating system is a group of program that manages co-ordinates and controls the actions of the computer hardware and software.

Que:- What is the function of an Operating System.
Ans:- An OS proceed as an interface between the user and the computer. It act as the manager of the property of the computer.

Que:- Write the functions of an Operating System.
  • Memory Management.
  • Processor management.
  • Interrupt Handling.
  • Accounting.
  • Automatic job sequencing.
  • Management and control of I/O devices 
Que:- What is the necessitate for an Operating System? 
Ans:- A medium is desired to communicate between the user and the H/W. An OS acts as a medium of interface.

Que:- What are the characteristics of an OS.
  • User affable.
  • Preserve track of the status of EACH RESOURCE.
  • Allows share of resources (H/W and S/W).
  • Provides adequate security.
  • Security. 
Que:- What is a process?
Ans:- A process is mainly a program in execution. It is the component of work in a present operating system.

Que:- What is meant by a process state?
Ans:- When a process carries out, it changes, its position, this is recognized as process state.

Que:- What are the different process states?
Ans:- The diverse process states are:-
  • New
  •  Ready
  • Running
  • Waiting
  • Terminated
Que:- How does a process fluctuate from a job?
Ans:- A process is an active body with a program counter identifying the next instructions to perform and a set to associated resources, whereas a batch system executes jobs. (This is a collection of processes).

Que:- Differentiate program and a process?
Ans:- A process is a program in implementation. A program is a passive unit,
Where as a process is an active unit.

Que:- What is Process Control Block?
Ans:- Every process is represented in the operating system by a process control Block (PCB) also called a task control block.

Que:- What is the function of a Process Control Block?
Ans:- A Process Control Block (PCB) encloses several pieces of information related with a specific process. It serves as the warehouse for any information that may vary from process to process.

Que:- What is the information restricted in a PCB?
Ans:- A PCB contains section of information related with a specific process, namely:-
  • Process state
  • Program counter
  • CPU register
  • CPU scheduling information
  • Memory management information
  • Accounting information
  • I/O status information
Que:- What are the operations on process?
  • Create a process
  • Destroy a process
  • Defer a process
  • Resume a process
  • Change the priority of a process
  • Block a process
  • Stir a process
  • Transmit a process
  • Enable a process to communicate with another
Que:- What are the operations concerned in creating a process?
  • Name the process.
  • Insert it in the system’s known processes list (or) process table.
  • Establish the process’s initial precedence.
  • Produce the process control block.
  • Allocate the process’s initial resource.
Que:- What is the kernel of an operating system?
Ans:- Kernel is the ingredient of the OS which directly creates interface with the hardware system.

Que:- What are the main functions of the kernel?
Ans:- To make available mechanism for:-
  • Formation and erasure of processes.
  • Inter process communication.
  • Management of processes.
Que:- What are the components of an Operating System?
Ans:- Operating System which is a set of programs is of 2 types:-
  • Control program.
  • Supervisory program.       
Que:- What is multi programming?
Ans:- The facility of observance several jobs in the memory at one time, where the CPU is switched back and forth along with them are known as Multi programming.

Que:- What is the use of Multi Programming?
Ans:- Multi programming helps to augment CPU consumption, and to reduce the total time required to execute the jobs.

Que:- Demonstrate the factors that generally conclude the degree of Multi Programming.
  • The number of Programs exists in Primary memory.
  • Passing of the control of the CPU hurriedly among these programs.
  • Security of user process from one another. 
Que:- What is the remuneration of Multi Programming?
  • Look up the System Performance.
  • Consent to Time Sharing.
  • Supports many instantaneous interactive users. 
Que:- Clarify, what is Multi Processing?
Ans:- Multiprocessing is utilized of two or more central processing units inside a single computer system. The phrase also refers to the capacity of a system to sustain more than one processor and/or the capacity to distribute tasks among them.

Que:- What is the benefit of Multi Processing Systems?
Ans:- A Multi Processing System is one in which there are additional than one CPU, interleaved with each other.  Thus it assists in improving the capacity of work done.

Que:- What are the categories of Multi Processing?
  • Symmetric Multi Processing.
  • Asymmetric Multi Processing. 
Que:- What is Symmetric Multi Processing?
Ans:-  It is one in which each processor runs a one and the same copy of the operating system and these copies correspond with one another as required.

Que:- What is Asymmetric Multi Processing?
Ans:-  It is one in which each processor is allocated a precise task.  A Master Processor controls the system and the other Processors are owed job by the Master Processor.

Que:- What is Time Sharing?
Ans:- Time Sharing (Multi tasking) is a consistent extension of Multi Programming.  It is a form of Multi Programmed OS which operates in an interactive mode with rapid reaction time.

Que:- Clarify the concept of Time Sharing?
Ans:- Multiple Jobs are performed by the CPU switching between them, but the switches happen so repeatedly that the users may interrelate with each program even as it is running.

Que:- What is the advantage of Time Sharing?
Ans:- A Time Sharing system allocates many users to concurrently allocate the computer resources.

Que:- Describe the Real Time System.
Ans:- It is another form of operating system which is used in environments where a large number of events frequently external to the computer system must be conventional and processed in a short time or within convinced deadlines.

Que:- Give some examples of Real Time Application.
Ans:- Examples are:-
  • Flight Control.
  • Real Time Simulation.
  • Military Application.
  • Petroleum Refinery.
  • Process Control etc. 
Que:- What is On-Line Processing?
Ans:- Transferring the contents from the input directly on to the CPU and relocate the processed contents onto the printer is On-Line Processing.

Que:- Explain Off-Line Processing?
Ans:- Rather than the CPU reading directly from the input, copying the content into CPU and PROCESS.