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Monday, 13 August 2012

Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS)


A real-time operating system (RTOS) environment, the command will respond within a specified time. The actual time can be as the system response to small all instantly. A real-time operating system (RTOS) compresses two components, viz. "Real Time" and "operating system". Is the operating system (OS) but call a collection of systems or functions that offer an interface between hardware and application programs. To manage the hardware resources and run applications on your host computer.

A real-time application on an application that both precise results and the additional restrictions on the period is available. RTOS operating system is compatible with real-time applications and supply a logical consequence of the right time is essential. The basic structure is similar to the normal operating system, but also mechanisms to create enabling real-time programs. Must correspond to respond in real time, limited time, or to respond to serious consequences, including failure. Real-time systems are so hard, soft or hard classified.

Basic OS Functions:-

1. Process Management, 
2. Resources Management,
3. Device Management, 
4. I/O Devices subsystems 
5. Network Devices and subsystems management

Some generally used RTOS scheduling algorithms are:-

1. Cooperative scheduling

2. Preemptive scheduling

(I) Rate-monotonic scheduling
(II) Round-robin scheduling
(III) Fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling, an implementation of preemptive time slicing
(IV) Fixed-Priority Scheduling with Deferred Preemption
(V) Fixed-Priority Non-preemptive Scheduling
(VI) Critical section preemptive scheduling
(VII) Static time scheduling

3. Earliest Deadline First approach

4. Stochastic digraphs with multi-threaded graph traversal

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About Operating System

Que:- Define the Operating System.
Ans:- An operating system is a group of program that manages co-ordinates and controls the actions of the computer hardware and software.

Que:- What is the function of an Operating System.
Ans:- An OS proceed as an interface between the user and the computer. It act as the manager of the property of the computer.

Que:- Write the functions of an Operating System.
  • Memory Management.
  • Processor management.
  • Interrupt Handling.
  • Accounting.
  • Automatic job sequencing.
  • Management and control of I/O devices 

Que:- What is the necessitate for an Operating System? 
Ans:- A medium is desired to communicate between the user and the H/W. An OS acts as a medium of interface.

Que:- What are the characteristics of an OS.
  • User affable.
  • Preserve track of the status of EACH RESOURCE.
  • Allows share of resources (H/W and S/W).
  • Provides adequate security.
  • Security. 
Que:- What is a process?
Ans:- A process is mainly a program in execution. It is the component of work in a present operating system.

Que:- What is meant by a process state?
Ans:- When a process carries out, it changes, its position, this is recognized as process state.

Que:- What are the different process states?
Ans:- The diverse process states are:-
  • New
  •  Ready
  • Running
  • Waiting
  • Terminated

Que:- How does a process fluctuate from a job?
Ans:- A process is an active body with a program counter identifying the next instructions to perform and a set to associated resources, whereas a batch system executes jobs. (This is a collection of processes).

Que:- Differentiate program and a process?
Ans:- A process is a program in implementation. A program is a passive unit,
Where as a process is an active unit.

Que:- What is Process Control Block?
Ans:- Every process is represented in the operating system by a process control Block (PCB) also called a task control block.

Que:- What is the function of a Process Control Block?
Ans:- A Process Control Block (PCB) encloses several pieces of information related with a specific process. It serves as the warehouse for any information that may vary from process to process.

Que:- What is the information restricted in a PCB?
Ans:- A PCB contains section of information related with a specific process, namely:-
  • Process state
  • Program counter
  • CPU register
  • CPU scheduling information
  • Memory management information
  • Accounting information
  • I/O status information

Que:- What are the operations on process?
  • Create a process
  • Destroy a process
  • Defer a process
  • Resume a process
  • Change the priority of a process
  • Block a process
  • Stir a process
  • Transmit a process
  • Enable a process to communicate with another

Que:- What are the operations concerned in creating a process?
  • Name the process.
  • Insert it in the system’s known processes list (or) process table.
  • Establish the process’s initial precedence.
  • Produce the process control block.
  • Allocate the process’s initial resource.

Que:- What is the kernel of an operating system?
Ans:- Kernel is the ingredient of the OS which directly creates interface with the hardware system.

Que:- What are the main functions of the kernel?
Ans:- To make available mechanism for:-
  • Formation and erasure of processes.
  • Inter process communication.
  • Management of processes.

Que:- What are the components of an Operating System?
Ans:- Operating System which is a set of programs is of 2 types:-
  • Control program.
  • Supervisory program.       

Que:- What is multi programming?
Ans:- The facility of observance several jobs in the memory at one time, where the CPU is switched back and forth along with them are known as Multi programming.

Que:- What is the use of Multi Programming?
Ans:- Multi programming helps to augment CPU consumption, and to reduce the total time required to execute the jobs.

Que:- Demonstrate the factors that generally conclude the degree of Multi Programming.
  • The number of Programs exists in Primary memory.
  • Passing of the control of the CPU hurriedly among these programs.
  • Security of user process from one another. 

Que:- What is the remuneration of Multi Programming?
  • Look up the System Performance.
  • Consent to Time Sharing.
  • Supports many instantaneous interactive users. 

Que:- Clarify, what is Multi Processing?
Ans:- Multiprocessing is utilized of two or more central processing units inside a single computer system. The phrase also refers to the capacity of a system to sustain more than one processor and/or the capacity to distribute tasks among them.

Que:- What is the benefit of Multi Processing Systems?
Ans:- A Multi Processing System is one in which there are additional than one CPU, interleaved with each other.  Thus it assists in improving the capacity of work done.

Que:- What are the categories of Multi Processing?
  • Symmetric Multi Processing.
  • Asymmetric Multi Processing. 

Que:- What is Symmetric Multi Processing?
Ans:-  It is one in which each processor runs a one and the same copy of the operating system and these copies correspond with one another as required.

Que:- What is Asymmetric Multi Processing?
Ans:-  It is one in which each processor is allocated a precise task.  A Master Processor controls the system and the other Processors are owed job by the Master Processor.

Que:- What is Time Sharing?
Ans:- Time Sharing (Multi tasking) is a consistent extension of Multi Programming.  It is a form of Multi Programmed OS which operates in an interactive mode with rapid reaction time.

Que:- Clarify the concept of Time Sharing?
Ans:- Multiple Jobs are performed by the CPU switching between them, but the switches happen so repeatedly that the users may interrelate with each program even as it is running.

Que:- What is the advantage of Time Sharing?
Ans:- A Time Sharing system allocates many users to concurrently allocate the computer resources.

Que:- Describe the Real Time System.
Ans:- It is another form of operating system which is used in environments where a large number of events frequently external to the computer system must be conventional and processed in a short time or within convinced deadlines.

Que:- Give some examples of Real Time Application.
Ans:- Examples are:-
  • Flight Control.
  • Real Time Simulation.
  • Military Application.
  • Petroleum Refinery.
  • Process Control etc. 

Que:- What is On-Line Processing?
Ans:- Transferring the contents from the input directly on to the CPU and relocate the processed contents onto the printer is On-Line Processing.

Que:- Explain Off-Line Processing?
Ans:- Rather than the CPU reading directly from the input, copying the content into CPU and PROCESS.

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Friday, 10 August 2012

About Windows 8

Windows 8

Windows 8 is the latest edition of Microsoft Windows, a number of operating systems by Microsoft for use on personal computers, plus home based desktop,  Laptop, Tablet PC and home theater. After the engineering group of Windows, Windows 8 has been "reinvented chipset for the user Experience "in question, but Windows 7  Is further targeted, incremental update to the Windows online. Windows 8 UI stand on new features Microsoft language planned subway alike to the Windows Phone. According to Microsoft, the new boundary is designed to get superior the game touch screen input, as well as usual Mouse and keyboard.

With upgrading in basics, advanced storage and connectivity, new architected subsystems, the “fast and fluid” user understanding, and the Win RT platform, Windows 8 has exactly thousands of new features. Several of the most exciting upgrading with Windows 8 is yet to come the advance from developers building apps on the new Win RT platform.

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Virtual Memory - Use of Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory

Desktop computer operating systems is a common part of virtual memory. So it was a great advantage for users is very low They are more expensive. n this article, you will learn exactly what is virtual memory, the computer, and how to configure the device to a good Realization. Most computers today, 32 or 64 MB of RAM, the processor is available to use something similar. Unfortunately, this number is not enough RAM to run Many users of the program running at the same time.

The use of virtual memory is a good idea?

Before a virtual machine, you must ask yourself whether you really need. The main memory is determined by the correction. It is almost always a good way to use Redis All data in RAM.

The virtual memory usage: -

The designers of the operating system is the hypothesis with the help of a program that you can trust. The user program itself, will try the program, to destroy others and the operating system itself. This seems like a negative point of view, however, as the operating system to be executed. You do not need a program approved harmful. Malicious programs that can be accidentally (garbage data memory pointers). Virtual memory can also help. You can prevent Programs from interfering with other programs. Want in some cases, cooperation and shared memory. In this sense, the support of virtual memory.

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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Process Control Block (PCB)

A process in an operating system is representing by a data structure known as a process control block (PCB) or process descriptor. 

The PCB contain important information about the specific process include:-
  • The current state of the process i.e., whether it is ready, running, waiting, or whatever.
  • Unique identification of the process in arrange to track "which is which" information.
  • A pointer to parent process.
  • Similarly, a stick to child process (if it exists).
  • The priority of process (a part of CPU scheduling information).
  • Pointers to place memory of processes.
  • A register save area.
  • The processor it is running on.

The PCB is a certain store that allow the operating systems to locate key information about a process. Thus, the PCB is the data structure that define a process to the operating systems.

Preemptive Vs Non preemptive Scheduling

The Scheduling algorithms can be divided into two category with respect to how they contract with clock interrupt:-

Non preemptive Scheduling:- 
A scheduling regulation is non preemptive if, once a process has been given the CPU, the CPU cannot be taken away from that process.

Following are some characteristics of non preemptive scheduling:-
  • In non preemptive system, short jobs are made to wait by longer jobs but the overall action of all processes is fair.
  • In non preemptive system, response times are extra predictable because incoming high priority jobs can not displace waiting jobs.
  • In non preemptive scheduling, a scheduler executes jobs in the follow two situations.
  • When a process switches from running state to the waiting state.
  • When a process terminate. 

Preemptive Scheduling:-
A scheduling regulation is preemptive if, once a process has been given the CPU can taken away.

The plan of allowing processes that are logically run-able to be temporarily balanced is called Preemptive Scheduling and it is contrast to the "run to completion" method.

Scheduling Algorithms

CPU Scheduling deal with the difficulty of deciding which of the processes in the prepared queue is to be allocated the CPU.

Following are some scheduling algorithms:-
  • FCFS Scheduling.
  • Round Robin Scheduling.
  • SJF Scheduling.
  • SRT Scheduling.
  • Priority Scheduling.
  • Multilevel Queue Scheduling.
  • Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling.